Secondary Safeguarding and Child Protection
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Child Protection Conferences and Core Group Meetings
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
CP Conferences and Core Group meetings are the key elements of effective plans. Delivered by Independent Reviewing Officers this input will describe the process of plan management and the expectations on schools/settings as safeguarding partners.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
From £0.00
(incl. VAT)Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Training
Course overview
This course looks at the role and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead and provides in depth knowledge of safeguarding and child protection. It will cover the relevant legislation and guidance and the role of hackney children social care. Participants will be aware of how to handle a disclosure, making a referral, how to prepare for Ofsted and procedures for dealing with allegations against staff.
Course objectives
- To develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a DSL.
- To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation.
- To develop awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately.
- To be aware of the importance of ensuring that the school’s policies are known by all staff and used appropriately, and to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating.
- To be aware of guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing.
Course pre-requisites
Participants should be the in the role, or intending to undertake the role, of the designated safeguarding lead for the school or their deputy. Participants should have previously attended the introduction to safeguarding training or equivalent.
Who should attend?
Newly appointed designated safeguarding leads (DSL) or DSL deputies in schools.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Training - Refresher
Course overview
This course provides a refresher in terms of safeguarding and child protection and the role of the DSL. Participants will revisit safe working practice and the importance of record keeping, how to prepare for Ofsted and a reminder of the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff.
Course objectives
- To refresh awareness of the roles and responsibilities of a DSL.
- To refresh awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation.
- To refresh awareness of the importance of ensuring that the school’s policies are known by all staff and used appropriately, and to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating.
- To refresh awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately.
- To revisit guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing.
Course pre-requisites
Participants should have previously attended the designated safeguarding lead training or equivalent.
Who should attend?
Designated safeguarding leads (DSL) or DSL deputies in schools who have attended previous DSL training. This refresher training should be undertaken every two years.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
Early Help/MASH
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Hackney Education’s MASH Officer will describe the practice of managing contacts, decision making and ongoing support available to schools/settings when they contact the MASH. There will be a description of thresholds and Early Help.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Included in package:
- Primary
Gangs and Extra-Familial Risk
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
A termly input from Hackney's Community Gangs Team. DSLs will gain insight and understanding of the vulnerabilities and risk children and young people face in relation to child on child abuse, the gangs contexts and support and interventions provided by CGT.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
How do we safeguard our children including those from Black and Global Majority communities?
This session helps Safeguarding Governors support their school’s SLT and Designated Safeguarding Lead in safeguarding all children, including those from Black and Global Majority communities. It covers legal requirements, Hackney Education's support, and preparation for safeguarding inspections.
Course Overview
This course will focus on how governing boards can ensure their schools:
- Identify and comprehend statutory guidance relevant to safeguarding requirements for School Governors.
- Understand the duty of School Governors in safeguarding children, including associated roles and responsibilities.
- Ensure governing bodies' compliance with legislation, implementing effective policies, procedures, and training for safeguarding in schools.
- Cover a spectrum of safeguarding policies and procedures, encompassing child protection, staff behaviour, and responses to missing children.
- Explore best practices, including staff training, regular updates, and incorporating safeguarding education into the curriculum for children.
Facilitator: James Sykes
Additional e-Learning training on more detailed case studies are to follow.
Free for Hackney schools. Non Hackney schools £108.00 incl. VAT
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Included in package:
- Governance
- Primary
From £0.00
(incl. VAT)Managing Allegations
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Managing allegations against staff and volunteers can be a complex environment. This session, delivered by the LADO, will give DSLs insight into the process, the role of the Local Designated Officer and effective case management.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
Online Safety
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Delivered by the Safeguarding in Education Team this session will explore the nature of children’s engagement with the online environment and school/setting’s responsibilities regarding filtering and monitoring.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
Policies and Procedures
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Schools and settings must have an effective safeguarding and child protection policy. This session will explore policy writing and the intersection with the safeguarding children partnership.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
Safeguarding Disabled Children
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better train DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Safeguarding disabled children brings particular complexities. This session delivered by the Garden School’s DSL who will give practical guidance on how to ensure children’s experiences are understood and their active participation in safeguarding processes is secured.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
Trauma Informed Practice
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
TIP is one of Hackney’s key focuses. This session, delivered by the Re-Engagement Unit, gives an overview of the concepts, research and practice opportunities alongside the impact for children experiencing trauma.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
VAWG and Domestic Abuse
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Termly session delivered by Hackney Domestic Abuse Intervention Service focused on risks to women and children experiencing domestic abuse, the contexts of risk and the support and interventions available via DAIS.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary
Young Hackney Health and Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Team
Part of a series that offers additional training sessions to DSLs in Hackney covering safeguarding specific issues. A modular approach covering safeguarding specific issues as detailed in KCSIE 24 that will better training DSLs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil this challenging role.
Course Overview
Young Hackney provides a wide range of services to children and schools/settings. This is an opportunity for DSLs to gain a better understanding of the role of Young Hackney and their Early Help offer.
- Target audience:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Post 16
- Included in package:
- Primary