Primary Subject Networks

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Annual Languages Conference

Welcome to the Annual Hackney MFL Learning Conference, a dynamic half-day event dedicated to bringing together primary and secondary Modern Foreign Language (MFL) leads. This conference offers a unique opportunity for educators to collaborate, share best practices, and explore innovative strategies for language teaching. With a focus on fostering language skills from early years through secondary education, we aim to strengthen language learning pathways and inspire a new generation of multilingual students across Hackney schools.


  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Secondary
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Annual Spanish Transition and Transfer Meeting

Annual transition and transfer meeting with moderation of year 6 and year 7 work and planning and moderation against the NC Programme of Study objectives

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary
  • Secondary


(incl. VAT)

Creative Translation Strategies with the Stephen Spender Trust

Run by the Stephen Spender Trust, this will be an opportunity to be trained up to deliver the trust's Creative Translation Strategies. 

The Stephen Spender Trust offers creative translation webinars for primary and secondary school teachers, aiming to bring inclusive, culturally rich content into classrooms. These sessions are designed for both MFL and English teachers, providing practical ideas for incorporating creative translation into lessons. Feedback from participants highlights the effectiveness of these webinars in enhancing student engagement and empathy, especially for EAL learners. The program is supported by various foundations and delivered by experienced translators and educators.

For more details, visit: Stephen Spender Trust.

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary
  • Secondary


(incl. VAT)

Healthy Schools Network

COST: Free for Hackney schools
An invaluable networking opportunity for Healthy Schools Coordinators and Primary PSHE Leads to share models of best practice around school health and wellbeing. 
Draft Agendas 

To be confirmed. 

Who can attend? 

Healthy Schools coordinators and PSHE leads.

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary
  • Secondary


(incl. VAT)

Primary and Secondary Music Network

These sessions are to update music subject leaders with current developments in the teaching and learning of primary music.


The session is a cross phase and joins the Secondary Music Network Forum

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary
  • Secondary


(incl. VAT)

Primary and Secondary Spanish Network

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.


Considering the challenges of language instruction, our community endeavours to establish a nurturing network. We understand the significance of accessing language specialists to aid educators in achieving teaching excellence. Additionally, we commend the abundance of knowledge within our group, where numerous Spanish teachers have honed exemplary methods and are enthusiastic about mutual support. United, we cultivate an atmosphere where cooperation flourishes, ensuring every teacher feels empowered and encouraged across phases.

Course Outline

 Thursday 3rd October 2024

Learning in Spanish and Science using a CLIL approach

Presenters: Pilar Gonzalez Gomez, MRA, Raquel Tola Rego, Parkwood Primary International Spanish School and Cristina Delgado,

Suitable for primary and secondary Spanish and Science Leads.

Thursday, 23rd January 2025

Sharing Good Practice in Languages 

This is a chance for teachers to share examples of their own excellent practice. 

Who can attend? 

Suitable for primary and secondary language teachers.

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary
  • Secondary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Computing

This course provides support for teachers delivering  and leading the computing curriculum. The session will introduce practical lesson ideas teachers can take back and implement in their classrooms, with hands-on activities to develop confidence with programming tasks and subject knowledge.

We will investigate pupil progression and assessment and online safety. The workshop is a great opportunity to network with colleagues, share best practice and experiment with alternative approaches to this subject.

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: EYFS

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.


Welcome to Hackney's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Professional Learning Community, where EYFS leads have the invaluable opportunity to explore diverse settings and innovative approaches to delivering the EYFS curriculum. This community not only fosters a relaxed environment for networking and relationship building but also addresses the common challenge of releasing colleagues to attend. Prioritising workload, staying organised, and using time efficiently are essential skills for participation. Emphasising people and collaborative skills, our community supports leaders who can guide while also integrating seamlessly into their teams, leveraging colleagues' strengths. By building and sustaining strong relationships, we ensure every member feels valued and empowered.

Draft Agendas

Thursday, 5th December 2024

1. Two-Year-Old Provision

  • Reviewing current provision for two-year-olds, discuss effectiveness and areas for improvement, share best practices

2. Plans for the Year

  • Outline objectives and goals for the year, discuss planned activities, set priorities, and collaborate on planning.

3. Class Numbers / Changes in Roll

  • Review class numbers and roll changes, analyse trends and impacts, discuss strategies for managing sizes and transitions, and allocate staffing and resources accordingly.

4. Open Discussion

  • Addressing any additional questions or concerns
  • Setting action items and next steps

Thursday, 27th February 2025

1. Reception Numbers Review 

  • Review current reception class numbers and enrollment trends and discuss any potential challenges or opportunities. 

2. Transition and Training Opportunities

  • Review current practices for supporting pupil transitions and potential improvements to the transition process for both pupils and families.

3. Forest School

Suitable for: 

Anyone who is interested in EYFS (EYFS leads, teachers and teaching assistants)

Led by Samantha Fennell, Mandeville Primary School


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Humanities

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.


Welcome to Hackney's Primary Humanities Professional Learning Community, a dynamic network designed to enhance and share good practice among educators. This community offers senior leaders and teachers a valuable platform to discuss their experiences and challenges in their roles, ensuring a curriculum that is well-centred and effectively mapped. Our focus includes providing teachers with secure subject knowledge, organising enriching trips, and accessing essential resources. Together, we strive to support each other in delivering a comprehensive and engaging humanities education to all our students.

 Draft Agendas

Thursday, 21st November 2024

1. Plans for the Year

  • Outline objectives and goals for the year, discuss resource allocation and enrichment opportunities, plan educational trips, and collaborate on integrating them into the curriculum.

3. Ofsted Readiness and Reviews

  • Review current Ofsted requirements and expectations for humanities, share best practices for readiness, discuss preparation for inspections, and hold a Q&A session.

4. Curriculum Design and Building a Rich Curriculum

  • Discussion on creative and motivating elements, ensure a broad, inclusive, and inspirational curriculum with clear outcomes, provide active learning opportunities involving the community, strategise on nurturing curiosity, and collaboratively plan curriculum mapping and design.

5. Open Discussion

  • Addressing any additional questions or concerns
  • Sharing ideas and suggestions for future meetings
  • Setting action items and next steps

Thursday, 6th March 2025

1. SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in Humanities

  • Review current strategies for supporting SEND students, discuss challenges and successes in meeting their needs, share effective teaching methods and resources for inclusion, and collaboratively brainstorm ways to enhance SEND provision in humanities education.

2. Adaptive Teaching in Humanities

  • Present adaptive teaching principles for humanities, discuss tailoring methods for diverse learners, share examples of adaptive practices, and collaboratively plan for implementing these strategies in classroom settings.

3. Integrating SEND Support with Adaptive Teaching

  • Discuss integrating SEND support with adaptive teaching, share ideas for inclusive environments, collaborate on designing differentiated activities and assessments, and hold a Q&A session.

4. Open Discussion

  • Addressing any additional questions or concerns
  • Sharing ideas and suggestions for future meetings
  • Setting action items and next steps

Who should attend?

Primary school coordinators of Humanities, History and Geography.

Led by Meret Stokes, Deputy Head at Mandeville Primary School

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Literacy

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.



Welcome to Hackney's Primary Literacy Professional Learning Community, a vibrant hub dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment where educators can build a strong sense of community. Here, members are encouraged to ask questions and deepen their subject knowledge, ensuring they are well-equipped and valued as leaders in literacy education. Our aim is to build capacity within schools, keeping abreast of the latest ideas and innovations in teaching practices. By sharing good practices and openly discussing the challenging aspects of teaching, we collectively enhance our skills and effectiveness, driving forward the quality of literacy education for all our students.

Course overview

  • To support the planning of a coherent learning journey in the curriculum that reflects the needs of your school.
  • To support the planning and monitoring of progression in learning, in line with Ofsted expectations.
  • To contribute to effective delivery lessons and to ensure engaged learning.

Draft agendas:

Wednesday, 2nd October 2024

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • Opening remarks
  • Introduction of new members

2. Feedback from SATs

  • Review of SATs results and insights
  • Discussion on areas of success and areas needing improvement
  • Strategies for addressing identified challenges

3. Plans for the Year

  • Outline of key objectives and goals for the academic year
  • Timeline of planned activities and initiatives
  • Discussion on priorities and focus areas

4. Sharing Expertise Across Literacy Leads and Teachers

  • Presentations from literacy leads on best practices and successful strategies
  • Collaborative discussion on innovative teaching methods
  • Q&A session for sharing experiences and solutions

5. Resourcing and Common Themes

  • Overview of available resources and how to effectively utilize them
  • Identification of common themes and trends in literacy education
  • Strategies for resource sharing and collaborative planning

Who should attend?

Anyone with an interest in literacy

Led by Kathleen O'Connor, Rosie Condon and Richard Boxall 

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Mathematics

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone interested in attending from your school to our Google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.


Welcome to Hackney's Primary Maths Professional Learning Community, a dedicated space for sharing good practice, staying abreast of the latest ideas and research conclusions, and tackling the challenges unique to the role of maths leads. Our community provides a platform for deepening subject knowledge and understanding, ensuring members remain current with innovative strategies and methodologies. By connecting with other organizations and experts, we enrich our collective approach to teaching maths, fostering an environment where educators can collaboratively discuss and overcome the difficulties inherent in their roles. 

Draft Agendas

Thursday, 14th November 2024

  1. Introductions 
  2. Year 4 Multiplications Tables Check (MTC) 
  3. Practicing for the MTC
  4. Maths competitions and useful organisations
  5. Future forums

Thursday, 27th February 2024

1. Building a Rich Maths Curriculum in Primary

  • Provide an overview of a rich maths curriculum, discuss incorporating depth, breadth, and creativity, share successful designs, and collaboratively brainstorm for enriching the current curriculum.

2. Adaptive Teaching in Maths

  • Present principles and strategies of adaptive teaching, discuss tailoring methods for diverse student needs, share effective practices and case studies, and collaboratively plan for implementing adaptive teaching strategies.

3. Integrating Curriculum Enrichment and Adaptive Teaching

  • Discuss seamlessly integrating adaptive teaching with a rich curriculum, share ideas for creating flexible lesson plans catering to all students, and collaboratively design activities and assessments supporting both objectives.

4. Open Discussion

  • Addressing any additional questions or concerns
  • Sharing ideas and suggestions for future meetings
  • Setting action items and next steps
  • Confirming date and agenda for the next meeting

Who should attend?

Anyone with an interest in primary maths. 

Led by Sarah Betney, Kingsmead Primary School

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Music

These sessions will be run by Hackney Music Service (HMS) and are all FREE.


Our termly conferences for music practitioners are essential for fostering community among music educators, who often work in isolation as the sole specialists in their settings. These sessions provide opportunities to share best practices, resources, and teaching observations, as well as to collaborate on performances. They also facilitate cross-curricular partnerships, particularly with MFL, EYFS, and SEND networks, including a dedicated SEND Music network.

Despite being a legally required subject, music education is often undervalued and under-resourced. Specialist music teachers, who see each class weekly, deliver the most effective instruction, yet many schools rely on overstretched classroom teachers. Our network meetings, attended mainly by specialist teachers, offer critical professional development and quality assurance. They also grant access to diverse opportunities through partnerships with various professional music organisations, enhancing the inclusivity and richness of music education.

Draft Agendas (more information to follow)

Monday 9th September 2024

Please join us for a session on Trauma Informed Practice in Music Education - this will be delivered by Dr Phil Mullen who has presented at Hackney Music Education Conferences in previous years. His specialism is Inclusion and this will form part of the session, but this will be the first time he will have delivered a focussed session on TIP for us.  This is being offered to schools absolutely free of charge so please do not miss this opportunity.


Anyone in your school is welcome to attend.


Wednesday, 25th September 2024

Update on the National Plan for Music Education and the Schools Music Development Plans. This session is an opportunity to get into questions about this in more depth, and to share good practice with writing a Plan for your school, including how to best use the various Self Evaluation Toolkits and Templates there are floating around. The main drive will be to discuss how to ensure the creation of a SMDP can be something genuinely useful for your school and to move away from it being an administrative exercise that the DfE 'expects' all schools to do, without it being officially mandatory. 

Thursday, 16th January 2025

Curriculum - OFSTED, Assessment, Progression

Monday, 19th May 2025

Music transition - please book here.

Who should attend?

School subject leaders, coordinators and TAs 


  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: PSHE

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.

Course overview

  • To support the planning of a coherent learning journey in the curriculum that reflects the needs of your school.
  • To support the planning and monitoring of progression in learning, in line with Ofsted expectations.
  • To contribute to effective delivery lessons and to ensure engaged learning.

Who should attend?

School subject leaders and coordinators

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Religious Education

COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.

 Through Religious Education all pupils are taught to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally in a way that enables them to understand and value themselves and others and to better cope with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing, multicultural world.

  • To provide updated primary RE schemes of work.
  • To support coordinators in the planning and monitoring of learning in line with the agreed syllabus and Ofsted expectations.
  • To deliver training on pedagogy to improve the teaching and learning of RE in schools.

Who should attend?

School subject leaders and coordinators

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)

Primary Subject Leader Network: Science

 COST: £90 + VAT per school (once you have booked 1 colleague from your school, they can add anyone who is interested in attending from your school to our google calendar invite)

Free for schools who have bought into the package.

 Calling all primary science leads! Join our supportive network and gain access to professional development, practical ideas and resources. We are running 3 forums across the year, led by Kate Roberts and David Burdett!

These sessions are to update science subject leaders with current developments in the teaching and learning of primary science.

  • Looking at the difference between substantive and disciplinary knowledge in science and how to explicitly teach the 'working scientifically' skills
  • Supporting SEND pupils (and we can explore PPG pupils here too) 
  • Tracking and assessing progress in science


Who should attend?

School subject leaders and coordinators

A bit about the facilitators

Kate is the Director of Hackney Teaching and School’s Alliance and has worked as a Primary Science Consultant and Science Specialist Leader of Education. She is passionate about science education and widening participation in science subjects.

  • Target audience:
  • Primary
  • Included in package:
  • Primary


(incl. VAT)